Information section

All you wanted to know

This Law defines the legal and organizational basis for the development, adoption and application of technical regulations on radio equipment and the conformity assessment procedures laid down in them, as well as for the implementation of voluntary conformity assessment.

This Law does not apply to the legislative procedure related to the consideration of draft technical regulations on radio equipment and conformity assessment procedures, which are approved by laws, their adoption, amendments to them and declaring them invalid by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Procedural issues related to the development and adoption of technical regulations on radio equipment and conformity assessment procedures, the application of which is provided for by technical regulations, amendments to them, invalidation, and their abolishment, not defined by this Law, are determined by the relevant legal and regulatory acts.

One of the clauses of this Law interprets the concept of the presumption of conformity, which is fundamental when drawing up a declaration of conformity

Presumption of conformity is an assumption that is recognized as reliable, until proven otherwise, that the product, the associated process or production method or other object meets the requirements of the relevant technical regulation and the body conformity assessment meets the special requirements of authorized conformity assessment bodies (hereinafter - authorized body) or recognized independent organizations

The link to the full text of the document available only in Ukrainian is below

This Law contains a large number of clarifications with all references and terms.