General information

All you wanted to know

Any manufacturer or supplier can pass CE certification both in Ukraine and all over the world. Despite the complexity of preparing and passing certification, this process is mandatory for 100% of goods supplied to the EU.

In Ukraine, most often the CE certificate is received by medium or large manufacturers, as well as suppliers, this is due to the cost of passing the certification itself.

Indeed, in order to deliver even a small batch of products to Europe, you will need to pass European certification and receive a CE certificate.

The cost of the CE certificate under various scenarios starts from 2500 euros, but is not limited to this amount. It all depends on the complexity of the test sample, for example, a smartphone with a full range of functions when passing full tests can cost 12,000-15,000 euros, here it should be noted that the average cost of certification does not exceed 6,000-7,000 euros, but even here our company has hidden " an ace in the hole” we will be able to carry out even such a complex certification for at least half of the amount described above.

The main profile of our company is electronics, however, not often, but we take on some other non-food products for European certification.

CE certificate is most often obtained by:

  1. For products of own manufacture, that is, fully or partially manufactured in Ukraine or abroad.
  2. For goods under its own brand name or products imported under another brand name into the territory of the European Union.
  3. For a specific range of products under a specific brand or private label.

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