Laws and Acts

All you wanted to know

This Law governs the relations between consumers of goods, works and services and producers and sellers of goods, contractors and providers of services of different patterns of ownership, establishes the rights of consumers, and also determines the mechanism of their protection and basis of realization of state policy in the field of consumer protection.

Article 1-1. Coverage of this Law:

  • This Law governs the relations between consumers of goods (except foodstuff if other is directly not established by this Law), works and services and producers and sellers of goods, contractors and services.

Article 2. Legislation on consumer protection:

We would like to draw your attention to one of the points of this Law, namely Article 19. It is quite often overlooked, although it is rather important.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine decided to amend some legislative acts of Ukraine, including the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Protection", namely, Article 19 of the Law.

So, in Part 2 of Article 19, the list of information, the failure to provide which, or the provision of false or incomplete information, is considered to be misleading the consumer, is expanded. Part 3 of Article 19, Paragraphs 9-16 and the amendments made to Paragraph 4, are supplemented with a list of types of entrepreneurial practice misleading the consumer.

The link to the full text of the document available only in Ukrainian is below

This Law should not be ignored, since most of the inspections and proceedings are linked precisely with non-compliance with the provisions of this particular Law.