Laws and Acts

All you wanted to know

These Rules establish a mechanism for determining the cost of work on conformity assessment with the requirements of technical regulations (hereinafter - conformity assessment work) performed by designated conformity assessment bodies and recognized independent organizations (hereinafter - performers), except for works on conformity assessment for legally regulated measuring instruments.

The cost of work on conformity assessment is determined excluding value added tax charged in accordance with the law. The indicated cost is calculated by the contractor based on the time norms for their implementation and the cost of the calculated unit of time - one man-day (man-hour) according to the following formula:

Vo = Nch х Voch,

where Vo is the cost of conformity assessment work (in UAH);

Nch is the time limit for the performance of work on conformity assessment (man-days / man-hours);

Voch is the cost of a calculated unit of time (in UAH per man-day / man-hour).

3. The cost of an estimated calculation unit of time for the performance of work on conformity assessment is calculated taking into account the full cost and profit according to the formula:

Voch = (Cn + Pr) / Frch,

where Voch is the cost of a calculated unit of time (in UAH per person-day / person-hour);

Cn is the full cost price, which includes production cost, general production costs, administrative expenses and sales costs (in UAH);

Pr is profit (in UAH);

Frch is a fund of working time of conformity assessment performers (man-days / man-hours).

4. General production, administrative and sales costs are distributed in proportion to the amounts of official salaries according to the staffing table of the conformity assessment performers.

5. The cost of work on conformity assessment may include the costs associated with the purchase of specific materials, components, performers' expenses, making transport and customs payments, etc., if such costs are documented.

The presence of these costs must be agreed between the contractor and the customer of the conformity assessment work prior to the commencement of such work.

Reimbursement of costs associated with forced downtime due to the fault of an enterprise, which is the customer of the conformity assessment work, the time for the contractor's specialists to travel to the place of conformity assessment work and back is calculated based on the time spent and the cost of the calculated unit of time.

6. The cost of a calculated unit of time is revised if appropriate changes are made to legislative acts, changes in the amount of expenses affecting its cost (an increase in the minimum wage, power tariffs, prices for materials and raw materials, etc.) are made.

7. The cost of a calculated unit of time is reviewed no more than once a year, as a rule, before October 1, but no later than December 1 of the current year.

8. The heads of the designated conformity assessment bodies and recognized independent organizations are responsible for the validity of determining the cost of conformity assessment work.

This is the full text of the document, but the link to the document available only in Ukrainian is below.