General information

All you wanted to know
Obtaining certificates of conformity and type examination certificates in a short time. High-quality registration of all documents necessary for certification.

We help you get certificates as soon as possible. A complete package of documents for customs, retail outlets and any inspection body.

Fast and high-quality registration and obtaining certificates of conformity for any radio-electronic products, fast preparation of documents for conformity assessment and obtaining a type examination certificate, registration of declarations of conformity,

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Unus Finis provides a full range of services for certification and obtaining a type examination certificate for electronics and equipment in Ukraine. Certification body.

Unus Finis is a specialized certification agency that specializes in obtaining certificates of conformity (type examination certificates), quality certificates and issuing declarations of conformity for electronics, radio electronics, radio equipment, communications equipment, television equipment and radio equipment, as well as means and devices for receiving and data transmission.

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Agreement with the Ukrainian State Certification Center, direct agreements with the conformity assessment body.

What are direct contracts, and what is their advantage? Our company conducts the most honest and transparent activities. Unus Finis has become the founder of the Unified Center Research Facilities (UCRF), which can be translated as 'Unified Research Centers.' UCRF represents a collective of scientific and research institutions united for collaborative work, knowledge exchange, and resource sharing.

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