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We help you get certificates as soon as possible. A complete package of documents for customs, retail outlets and any inspection body.

Fast and high-quality registration and obtaining certificates of conformity for any radio-electronic products, fast preparation of documents for conformity assessment and obtaining a type examination certificate, registration of declarations of conformity, full support of tests and documents. A high-quality and maximum package of documents after certification, documentation for customs, market control (supervision), points of sale and marketplaces.

The terms for obtaining a European Certificate (CE certificate) are generally similar to those presented below for obtaining Ukrainian certificates with one caveat for obtaining a CE certificate, the required time indicated below is increased by 14 days, that is, 14 days plus the tariff you have chosen and the terms are lower this will be the term for obtaining the CE certificate.

Terms for obtaining REACH and RoHS certificates are negotiated individually and can vary from 14 to 28 days.

The speed of our work directly depends on the speed of decision-making both by the customer and by us as a whole.

The terms of testing and obtaining a certificate of conformity are always calculated individually, taking into account all the features of the device or model range. We guarantee the collection of a complete package of documents, to which there will be no single question, for submission to the certification body as soon as possible, and we also guarantee testing within 10 days from the date of signing the contract with Unus Finis

From our partners, we always ask for a minimum package of documents to speed up and simplify the application process. However, there is data without which we cannot launch the certification process, and here everything will depend on your efficiency.

Despite the fact that it is possible to predict the terms of certification only with a detailed study of the capabilities of the supplied equipment, we have prepared several scenarios for you, thanks to which you can get an understanding of the terms for preparing documents by our company and the terms for assessing compliance with technical regulations (Certification) by the relevant body .

So, regarding Unus Finis, everything is simple - the preparation of a complete package of documents for one certificate is divided into four categories:

A) Complex

This category includes certificates in which the customer considers it necessary to indicate more than three devices belonging to the same model range, or combine several devices into one model range, or objects of certification (devices) are manufactured at more than three factories ( including the main office) and there is a need to indicate all production facilities.

Certification is also considered difficult if the samples provided are radically different in appearance and have different technical equipment, marking and packaging (box) of devices does not comply with the standards established by Ukrainian legislation and / or violates Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and/or does not meet the requirements of Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of the Technical Regulations of radio equipment" dated May 24, 2017 №355 , there is no instruction in the state language and / or the instruction does not have all the necessary data, and there is an incomplete package of documents from the manufacturer for the certification object (device) or there are no documents. The list of required documents can be found in our article "List of documents for passing the assessment of conformity with the Technical Regulations (obtaining a type examination certificate)".

B) Compound Urgent

This category differs from category "A" (Complex) in the speed of preparing documents, reducing the time for passing compliance with technical regulations (certification) and cost. The cost of preparing documents in category "B" is 30% higher.

C) Standard

This category includes certificates in which the customer considers it necessary to indicate up to three devices belonging to the same model range, or the objects of certification (devices) are manufactured at no more than two factories (including the main office).

All samples provided must be of good quality and represent a single (technically) model range, as well as have identical radio modules. Samples should not have external cardinal differences. Marking and packaging (box) of devices must comply with the standards established by the legislation of Ukraine and not violate The Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and comply with the requirements of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of the Technical Regulations of radio equipment" of May 24, 2017 No. 355. Mandatory is an instruction in the state language, which has all the necessary attributes. A full package of documents from the manufacturer (diagrams, drawings, test reports) is welcome. The list of required documents can be found in our article "List of documents for passing the assessment of conformity with the Technical Regulations (obtaining a type examination certificate)".

If you have more than 80% of the above and in our article "List of documents for passing the assessment of conformity with the Technical Regulations (obtaining a type examination certificate)", this category is available to you.

D) Standard Urgent

This category differs from category "C" (Standard) in the speed of preparing documents, reducing the time for passing compliance with technical regulations (certification) and cost. The cost of preparing documents for category "C" is 30% higher.

Regarding the time to assess compliance with technical regulations and obtain all Type Examination Certificate, in Unified Center Research Facilities (UCRF) we can divide the terms into 2 types:

Type 1.

This type refers to devices with up to two radios. (for example, a car DVR with WI-FI and GPS or a fitness tracker with Bluetooth technology)

Type 2.

This type includes devices with three or more radio modules. (for example, a smart watch with Bluetooth, NFC and GPS, or a smartphone with a solid set of modules and technologies such as GSM, LTE, WCDMA, WI-FI, Bluetooth, NFC and GPS, etc.)

All terms are specified taking into account the absence of force majeure circumstances and taking into account the technically sound equipment of the customer with the final version of the software that works without failures and additional settings!

We guarantee the quality of the documents prepared by us and compliance with all agreements. High quality and fast is the style of our work.

For a more detailed consideration of us as a business partner and making a decision on cooperation, we recommend visiting some sections of our website. We hope you find all the answers you are interested in

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