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What is the difference between Certificate of Compliance and declaration of conformity?

The fundamental difference between a declaration and a certificate is that when drawing up the Declaration of Conformity, the Ukrainian manufacturer or importer, on his own, under his full responsibility, documentary certifies (draws up a declaration of conformity indicating the number of the certificate of conformity and / or numbers of test reports), that the products comply with the requirements and technical regulations established by law, that is, starting from 2018, the declaration of conformity is not a primary document, but is only drawn up by the manufacturer or importer on the basis of a certificate of conformity (type examination certificate) or obtained from the technical regulations conformity assessment body, and a certificate of conformity ( type examination certificate), on the contrary, is issued on the basis of Ukrainian regulations and technical regulations, which were developed and adapted to European standards. The technical regulation in Ukraine is essentially an analogue of the European Directive in the EU.

The Declaration of Conformity can be drawn up in any form, however, it must contain all the necessary items established by the specific Technical Regulations and Law of Ukraine "On Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment" ..

The certificate of conformity has a strict, approved form, and is printed, as a rule, on strict reporting forms, has additions and structure established by the Law of Ukraine, and must also be supported by the seal of the certification body (conformity assessment body) that assessed compliance with the technical regulations of Ukraine (conducted tests).

To confirm compliance with technical regulations, it is necessary to test products, that is, go through the certification process at accredited body (laboratory) for conformity assessment and obtain all necessary test reports and a certificate of conformity (type examination certificate).

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