Our Services

All you wanted to know

Unus Finis conducts individual and group training for company employees as well as independent specialists in the course "Certification Manager of Radioelectronic Equipment."

During the training, you will gain knowledge in the following areas:

  1. Preliminary assessment of radio-electronic equipment

    (at this stage, you will get acquainted with the allowed and prohibited radio frequencies on the territory of Ukraine, learn how to determine technologies that are mandatory for certification (declaration) and those that are conditionally allowed "by default," learn to correctly assess the composition of the equipment, its configuration and much more.)

  2. Reading technical documentation

    (this stage is necessary for a quick assessment and search for the composition of equipment, reading blocks and diagrams to determine the "nature" of the device, you will learn how to quickly identify both individual modules and multifunctional microcircuits for their further description, work with them, and much more)

  3. Preparing basic documentation

    (at this stage, you will study in detail the list of basic documentation required to obtain a Certificate and more)

  4. Preparation of accompanying documentation in detail

    (gain knowledge and detailed instructions on how to properly compose the accompanying documentation, what it is for, in what cases, and much more)

  5. Product and box labeling

    (this is one of the most important stages. It affects not only the passage of compliance with the Technical Regulations but also the further life cycle of the goods. You will learn how to competently work out and draw up the labeling of goods and boxes in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation, study all legislative acts and the consequences of non-compliance with them and much more)

  6. Marks on the packaging

    (you will learn to understand the marks on the packaging, find out what they are for, what documents each mark should be supported by, as well as when and why they are put on the packaging)

  7. Operation manual, service and warranty

    (you will gain knowledge about the work of service centers, their rights and features, you will find out what information the warranty should contain and why. You will receive knowledge about what the manual should contain, what mandatory items it should contain and why)

  8. Calculation of the terms and cost of certification, as well as the specifics of concluding contracts

    (Learn to calculate the timing of equipment testing and collection of documents up to the day, calculate the cost of work by the Certification Body according to the formulas and much more)

  9. Preparation of a declaration of conformity

    (You will find out on the basis of which legislative acts a declaration of conformity is drawn up, which points of the declaration are mandatory, the form of the declaration and its legal force, and much more)

  10. How to work with NCCIR

    (Learn to draw up a map of the tactical and technical characteristics of the device, draw up complete packages of documents based on certificates and technical regulations)

  11. General concepts "What you may need in your work"

    (we will discuss official letters from the SBU (why and when they may be needed), a hygienic certificate (why and when it may be needed) and much more)

  12. Laws and Acts

    (We will study all the current legislative acts under which the Certification Manager of radio electronic equipment works, you will find out how the legislation has changed in recent years and why)

Bonus for an individual lesson: Practical lesson using a certificate from a customer (full support)as an example

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