Documents and Procedure

All you wanted to know

The application for conformity assessment services is the "primary" document. It contains all the main points for further work with the certification body.

This is a brief basic information for determining the possibility of passing the product conformity assessment Technical Regulations

Application for conformity assessment services contains the following items:

  1. General information about the Applicant

    This item contains such data as the name of the organization, address, IDRPOU code, the status of the applicant (manufacturer or authorized representative), on what basis it acts (order / contract / power of attorney), contact person (organization), contact details (telephone, fax, email)

  2. Products submitted for conformity assessment

    This item is used to identify the products that are claimed for certification, here it is necessary to indicate such attributes as the type, brand, model or model range of the product.

    Manufacturer (manufacturer's name, legal address), composition of equipment (components and accessories that affect compliance with the essential requirements of TR R), radio technology used in this product you just need to check the box next to the desired item)

  3. Required Services

    In this paragraph, you mark the required list of services that you plan to receive from the conformity assessment body. The item contains such marks as conducting a conformity assessment in order to confirm compliance with the essential requirements of the TR (where it is necessary to select a module), a list of standards and / or other regulatory documents for compliance with which it is necessary to conduct a conformity assessment, as well as re-assessment in connection with the relevant changes product and / or legislation or other services at the discretion of the customer.

  4. Obligations of the Applicant

    As the name already implies, these are a summary of the requirements for the applicant, which indicate that, according to paragraph 3 of Appendix 2 of TR R, the applicant confirms that the same application has not been filed with another designated conformity assessment body, the applicant undertakes to comply with all conditions of the Certification Agreement and guarantee payment of all costs for the conformity assessment.

  5. Availability of test samples

    In this paragraph, you must check the presence or absence of samples (absence of samples is not allowed for "Module B" (type examination)) and list the samples that are submitted.

  6. The application is accompanied by technical documentation in accordance with Annex 4 of TR R (a separate annex to the Application)

    This paragraph summarizes the minimum package of documents required for submission. For a more detailed understanding of which package of documents must be attached to the application, as well as the decoding of clause 6 "Client's Applications for Conformity Assessment Services" we have reviewed in our article "List of documents to pass the assessment of compliance with the Technical Regulations (obtain a type examination certificate)”.

  7. Statement analysis log

    At this point, you will have to agree to several points, such as:

    7.1 Any differences in understanding between the conformity assessment body and the applicant (hereinafter referred to as the parties) have been eliminated.

    7.2 The requirements for the conformity assessment procedure are clearly defined, documented and understood by the Parties.

    7.3 The conformity assessment body is capable of providing conformity assessment services in relation to the declared scope of accreditation, there are no other special requirements.

If you do not agree with one of the subparagraphs of paragraph 7, you can come to an agreement orally or by writing additional requirements in the contract.

For an example of an application for conformity assessment services, click on the link below

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