Prices and Tariffs

All you wanted to know

The second most popular is the issue of the cost of certification and obtaining certificate for a device or a range of devices with two radio modules such as Bluetooth + NFC, GPS + Wi-Fi, GSM + Bluetooth, RF modules 433 Mhz or 868 Mhz paired with GSM or Wi-Fi, as well as FM transmitters (transmitters) (radio transmitter), etc. We will try to answer the question: “What is the cost of certification, assessment of compliance with the Technical Regulations for this type of product?”

In this article, below, with examples, we will consider the cost of certification of such devices as heat meters (thermal energy) with Wi-Fi and a 433 Mhz or 868 Mhz radio frequency module, TWS headphones with NFC, the cost of certification of Bluetooth speakers with NFC, home acoustics with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

Get an understanding of the cost of certification and obtaining a certificate of conformity for car acoustics (car radios) with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, car head units with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, FM transmitters (transmitters) (radio transmitter) with Bluetooth and FM, action cameras , police chest cameras, car DVRs.

From the article, you can also find out the approximate price, the cost of the certificate and certification of elements of the "smart home" system, professional and amateur cameras, GSM security alarms, GPS navigators, echo sounders, barriers and remote access systems, Drones (UAVs, quadrocopters )

Вы сможете узнать, ориентировочно, сколько стоит, провести сертификацию и сертифицировать смарт часы и умную носимую электронику, электронные книги, проекторы, мобильные телефоны и смартфоны, GSM модули для сигнализаций и охраны, Wi-Fi точки доступа (роутеры, маршрутизаторы) с 3G, умные телевизоры с Wi-Fi (smart tv), компьютерная техника и компьютерная периферия (принтеры, МФУ, сканеры и т.п.), пожарные сигнализации, интерактивные доски, терминалы оплаты, планшеты, ноутбуки, компьютеры all in one и многое другое.

How the cost of Certification is formed (what is taken into account and affects the formation of the price) with examples, you can find out by clicking on the link.

In this material, we want to recall the main aspects of price formation and give a detailed example of certification pricing.

So, all calculations are carried out by the conformity assessment body based on Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of UFCraine "On approval of the Rules for determining the cost of work on assessing compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, are carried out by designated conformity assessment bodies and recognized independent organizations" dated July 12, 2017 No. 514

An individual approach is applied to each client, in connection with which the figures appearing in the formulas, as well as the result of the calculations, can vary both up and down, depending on various factors described on this site. This article is for informational purposes only.

In turn, Unus Finis carries out all calculations for services individually for each customer, in accordance with internal regulations and the level of complexity, which is described in the article "Tariffs of Unus Finis services ".

Abbreviations used in the article:

An example of calculating the cost of certification - 1

Given: Car DVR

Technical data (only those relevant for certification cost calculation tests):

  1. Data transfer interface: Wi-Fi (b/g/n)
  2. Positioning: GPS
  3. Car charger (not included): 5V - 2A

Calculate the cost of certification using the formula:

“WCB” + “PKMU 514” = UAH 40,000 (excluding the cost of “MC”)

WCB + PKMU 514 + UFC = UAH 62,000 (turnkey)

An example of calculating the cost of certification - 2

Given: Car DVR

Technical data (only those relevant for certification cost calculation tests):

  1. Data transfer interface: Wi-Fi (b/g/n)
  2. Positioning: GPS
  3. Car charger (included): 5V - 2A

Calculate the cost of certification using the formula:

“WCB” + “PKMU 514” + “ZU” = UAH 44,000 (excluding the cost of “UFC”)

"WCB" + "PKMU 514" + "ZU" + "UFC" = UAH 66,000 (turnkey)

An example of calculating the cost of certification - 3

Given: Car DVR

Technical data (only those relevant for certification cost calculation tests):

  1. Data transfer interface: Wi-Fi (b/g/n)
  2. Positioning: GPS
  3. Car charger (included): 5V - 2A
  4. Model range: 5 devices.

Calculate the cost of certification using the formula:

"WCB" + "PKMU 514" + "ZU" + "PPS" = 47000 UAH. (excluding the cost of "UFC")

"WCB" + "PKMU 514" + "ZU" + "UFC" + "PPS" = 69000 UAH. (turnkey)

We remind you that all the figures given in this article are for guidance only and may vary both up and down. All calculations are carried out individually for each customer, taking into account all his wishes and possibilities.

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