General information

All you wanted to know

Unus Finis conducts analysis of electronics and technology markets both in Ukraine and abroad. We consult on the development of new products and adjust the production of existing ones by in-depth analysis of sales markets and evaluation of competitors, as well as competitive products.

Our team will help you introduce new technologies into your existing products to increase their competitiveness. We will help develop a new product that compares favorably with the products on the market or develop a conceptually new product that will not have analogues.

A team of our specialists will select the necessary production facilities or arrange the smooth operation of existing ones.

Unus Finis will act as your reliable partner and representative for the promotion of existing products, as well as the production and introduction of new products in the Ukrainian markets.

We will help develop new, unique solutions for the electronics market. We will develop advertising campaigns in Google Ads and calculate the budget, we will help you set up product promotion through SMM. We will help in debugging your website or marketplace to promote your products online.

Development of new products and electronic circuits and components, analysis of markets and competitors, marketing research and marketing analysis - this is not the whole list of services offered by our company for your business.

Product development can go through many stages, and at any of them we are ready to help.

Our assistance in the development of a product and its labeling for Ukraine can consist both in recommendations for introducing technologies into a specific product, and in researching and expanding the audience for the further implementation of your product on the Ukrainian market.

Product development also includes the search and conduct of statistical and analytical data, the development of packaging and product labeling, assistance in compiling user manuals and warranty cards.

Product development is one of the key moments in marketing, where the task is to increase the competitiveness of products, and this is achieved by improving the quality of the product itself, taking into account the request of the end consumer. There is a debugging of the process of production of new goods and optimization of the existing range, due to which there is an increase in the life cycle of goods.

We'll cover all aspects of your product life cycle - adoption, growth, maturity, and decline.

We use an integrated approach, which gives the maximum result.

Do you have any questions? We have the answers!

  1. Ask a question in any form convenient for you in the section Contacts .
  2. Call us and get a free consultation