Laws and Acts

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According to Part 2 of Article 14 and Article 26 of the Law of Ukraine "On the radio frequency spectrum of Ukraine" (Attention! This Law will be suspended on January 01, 2022, due to the entry into force of the new Law of Ukraine On Electronic Communications 1089-IX ), Paragraphs 10-12 of the Technical Regulations on radio equipment approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 355 dated May 24, 2017 , the National Commission for Communications and Informatization Regulation (NCCIR), made a decision:

  1. To approve the Amendments to the Regulations on the procedure of keeping the register of radio-electronic devices and emitters that can be used on the territory of Ukraine in public radio frequency bands, approved by Decision of the National Commission for Communications Regulation of Ukraine No. 117 dated November 03, 2005, registered with the Ministry Justice of Ukraine on December 28, 2005 (No. 1574/11854, as amended by Decision of the National Commission for Communications Regulation of Ukraine No. 637 dated November 10, 2011), which are attached.
  2. The Licensing Department shall submit this decision for state registration with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in the manner prescribed by law.
  3. This decision comes into force on the day of its official publication.

One of the main points of the document is Annex 5, which is a reference point for understanding the need to register one or another device in the NCCIR register.

  1. Radio equipment of the radiodetermination service (determining the position, speed and / or other characteristics of an object or obtaining information about such parameters using the properties of radio wave propagation), apart from GNSS satellite navigation receivers.
  2. Multi-radio equipment (combined equipment, which has two or more transceivers, transmitters and receivers capable of simultaneously transmitting on two or more frequencies (radio frequency channels), using various types of radio technologies (communication standards), with power of each transmitter being more than 100 mW).
  3. Radio stations of direct analog and / or digital VHF communication of PMR446 type (frequency range of 446-446.2 MHz).
  4. Radio equipment of the digital wireless access system of the DECT standard and its modifications, including telephones for wired communication with a cordless handset.
  5. Central land stations for satellite communications.
  6. Wireless chargers for charging cars with an electric motor are radio equipment.
  7. Radio equipment for remote radio control of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), as well as radio equipment for data exchange between air and ground devices, apart from aircraft products specified in Subparagraph 3 of Paragraph 2 of the Technical Regulations on radio equipment approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 355 dated May 24, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the Technical Regulations on radio equipment).
  8. Sets of reduced-size models (in scale), toys in the form of animals or other creatures, toys and models with a built-in engine, containing transmitters or transmitters and receivers (radio-controlled toys), with a transmitter radiation power of more than 5 mW (7 dBm).
  9. Television and radio broadcasting transmitters with a radiation power of more than 50 watts.
  10. Specific types of radio-electronic devices and emitters, the conformity assessment of which is carried out without using generalized conditions for the use of radio-electronic devices and emitters, are published on the official website of the NCCIR, in accordance with paragraph 2.6 of Section II of the Regulations on the procedure of keeping the register of radio-electronic devices and emitters that can be used on the territory of Ukraine in public radio frequency bands.
  11. Specific types of radio-electronic devices and emitters, which, according to the results of the risk analysis and assessment by the manufacturer, do not meet the proper level of compliance with the additional requirements for commissioning and / or use of radio equipment defined in the Plan for the use of the radio frequency spectrum of Ukraine, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 815 dated June 9, 2006, and / or a specific type of radio equipment is classified by the importer as a product with high risk.
  12. A group of radio-electronic devices, malfunctioning or improper functioning of which may threaten the safety of people and / or the environment.
  13. A group of radio-electronic devices, which are technical means of telecommunications (for organizing the provision of telecommunications services) and are intended to be installed on board of an aircraft, sea or river vessel (for example, satellite land stations, cellular base stations, wireless access points).
  14. Wireless access points, which are technical means of telecommunications (for organizing the provision of telecommunications services) with an operating frequency range of 5470-5725 MHz and are intended for outdoor installation.

The link to the full text of the document available only in Ukrainian is below

Based on this document, we clearly understand why this or that type of radio-electronic device needs to be placed in the NCCIR register. Most devices are not covered by this document, but if so, we will help you register your device as soon as possible.