Laws and Acts

All you wanted to know

This Law establishes the legal and organizational framework for the implementation of state market supervision and control of non-food products.

State control of products are the activities of customs authorities to ensure the compliance of products imported into the customs territory of Ukraine for free circulation with the established requirements (requirements for non-food products and their circulation on the Ukrainian market are established in technical regulations ), as well as ensuring the absence of threats from such products to the public interest.

The State Market Supervision Authority is a central executive body that implements state policy in the field of state market supervision within the scope of its responsibility determined in accordance with this Law.

The area of responsibility of the market supervisors is a list of types of products in respect of which the state market supervision bodies exercise state market supervision , approved in accordance with this Law by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which is used by the relevant market supervision body to exercise market supervision.

This is the full text of the document, but the link to the document available only in Ukrainian is below.