State Enterprise "Ukrainian State Center for Radio Frequencies" (UCRF, Ukrchastotnadzor) — formed in accordance with Law of Ukraine "On Telecommunications" ( Attention!The effect of this Law will be suspended on 01/01/2022, due to the entry into force of the new of the Law of Ukraine "On Electronic Communications" 1089-IX of 01.01.2022) and also The Law of Ukraine "On the Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine" (Attention! This Law will be suspended on 01.01.2022 due to the entry into force of the new of the Law of Ukraine "On electronic communications" 1089-IX dated 01.01.2022)
The purpose of the enterprise is:
The main activities of the UCRF in accordance with Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine "On the radio frequency resource of Ukraine" :
UCRF, on behalf of the chairman of the National Commission for State Regulation in the field of communications and informatization, participates in the implementation of state supervision over compliance with the legislation on the radio frequency resource of Ukraine.
On behalf of the National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the field of communications and informatization, the UCRF carries out international protection, coordination of radio frequencies, and takes part in the work of the International Telecommunication Union.