Documents and Procedure

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Ukrainian certification of products in Ukraine as a process or a procedure. How to get a certificate

Certification of goods, products or devices is a process that includes testing a goods, product or product for compliance with technical regulations and standards for its smooth customs clearance and its further sale on the market.

The purpose of certification of goods, products or devices is to check the object of certification for compliance with the norms and rules established by law, as well as to check the object of certification for safety when using it in the radio frequency resource as a whole and for the individual end user.

Documentary evidence of positive certification is a certificate of conformity or a type examination certificate issued by the authorized conformity assessment body that conducted the procedure for assessing compliance with technical regulations (certification).

Certification in Ukraine is an integral part of bringing goods to the markets.

Preparing for the certification process. Certification includes several stages:

You can read more about the set of documents required to start the certification process and how certification takes place in our article:

The main components of the certification process, that is, the certification itself, is the testing of the object of certification (the test sample).

In the process of testing, all data is documented and entered into the test report. Depending on the object of certification, there may be several test reports, in some cases they can be combined into one bulletin. Test report is a kind of conclusion on the basis of which a decision is made regarding the object of certification. A positive decision to check the object of certification, the conformity assessment body, is the issuance of certificate of conformity, type examination certificate (quality certificate) for the object of certification, which guarantees its compliance with technical regulations.

Regarding radio-electronic means and radiating devices, that is, devices that include any radio module for receiving or transmitting data such as GSM, UMTS, LTE, CDMA, TETRA, DECT, WiFi, ZigBee, Bluetooth, WiMAX, GPS , NFC, RFID or M-Bus, M-GSM radio transmitter 2.4 GHz and / or radio module 433 Mhz or 868 Mhz, or 626-668 Mhz, certification is carried out to confirm product conformity To the Technical Regulations of Radio Equipment dated May 24, 2017. No. 355 and Technical regulation on electromagnetic compatibility of equipment approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 16 December 2015 . No. 1077 (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 2016, No. 2, art. 72), Technical Regulations for Low-Voltage Electrical Equipment, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 16, 2015 No. 1067 (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 2015, No. 102 st. 3526).

To get acquainted with the process of submitting documents to the conformity assessment body with the support of Unus Finis, you can read the link below:

Certification is a rigorous and complex process. You can order certification, assessment of compliance with technical regulations, to obtain a certificate of conformity or a type examination certificate by reading our article Turnkey certification of electronics of any complexity in Ukraine

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